Recommendations for sustainable peace from Afghan women peacemakers, activists, and civil society leaders.
Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security calls for participation of women in peace processes [...]
In October 2000, for the first time in its history, the United Nations Security Council acknowledged [...]
Recommendations from a coalition of women's rights and humanitarian organizations to assist Afghan women and girls
Mina's List U.S. Policy Recommendations to Support Afghan Women and Girls
A decade after the end of apartheid rule, South Africa transformed the security sector [...]
Women can be powerful actors in achieving peace, especially as political leaders. This report examines the evidence.
Statement on Afghanistan from recently exiled Afghan women leaders and human rights defenders
Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security was adopted by the United Nations Security Council [...]
When women are substantively included in security and peace processes, especially when they are in positions [...]
In light of Afghanistan’s security transition, Afghan women, including parliamentarians [...]
United Nations Security Council resolutions provide an international framework recognizing [...]